Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dare to Eat


Here's a pearl of wisdom: Sniff after you shuck, and swallow only when you're certain. Of the riskiest foods regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, raw oysters rank high for their outbreak-causing potential. The two pathogens wreaking the most havoc are Norovirus (which can cause gastroenteritis) and Vibrio, a bacterium related to cholera that can cause fever, septic shock, blistering skin lesions, and even fatal septicemia.

Ackee, Jamaica 

With the common name "vegetable brain" and a pedigree to boot—this lychee relative is the national fruit of Jamaica—you'd think ackee would be an all-around crowd-pleaser. But the pear-shaped pods of this West African tree can deliver a deadly bite if eaten prior to ripening. It's a beachside buzz kill to come down with Jamaican vomiting sickness and seizures; death, a very real risk, is the ultimate vacation wrecker. The solution: Patience. To enjoy this delicious and nutritious produce, it's essential to wait until the fruit turns bright red and its spongy flesh peels away from the toxic black seeds within. Then, boil it up, season appropriately, and serve with saltfish. Voila: It's Jamaica's national dish.


Pollution caused by industrial waste gave rise to the methylmercury-related illnesses, including development deficits in children, that have placed tuna—tuna steaks and canned tuna—on many no-no lists. But pathogens such as scombrotoxin, brought on by improper handling of fresh fish, sicken hundreds of people each year. Symptoms run the gamut from headaches to diarrhea and even loss of vision. The safest solution: Keep your fish cool and only eat at reputable restaurants.

Sannakji, Korea 

Suction cups are not typically on the American menu, but in Korea, the consumption of live baby octopus tentacles is considered a hoe (raw dish) delicacy. Although removed from the body, sliced into bite-size bits and dressed with sesame oil and sesame seeds, the squirming tentacles have a way of sticking around—in your throat—thanks to still-active suction cups, which present a choking hazard. The safest solution is to chew it 100 times before swallowing. And don’t talk with your mouth full.


Truffle hunting in Tuscany sounds like an idyllic way to spend a holiday. But beware: While there's good fungus among us, the tasty porcini has some poisonous cousins. Even when their names spell certain doom—death cap, destroying angels, among them—look-alike mushrooms can create a toxic menace. Is that a morel you're eating or a highly poisonous Gyromitra? A delicious chanterelle or an evil jack o'lantern (pictured here)? The poisonous galerina or the hallucinogenic psilocybe? You'd better know exactly what you're looking for, because many mushrooms are decidedly not magical.

Kidney Beans 

Kidney beans contain the toxin phytohaemagglutinin, which will make you extremely ill and in some rare cases has killed. The beans MUST be boiled for 10 minutes before cooking, and that includes slow cooking. These beans become five times more toxic when heated to the temperatures used in slow cooking than they are when raw, so never just add them to a stew or chili without boiling them first. Better yet, use canned kidney beans. Only a few will land you in hospital wishing you had died. A few more and there is no wishing about it.

Cherries, Apricots, Peaches and Plums 

Cherries, apricots, peaches and plums contain cyanogenic glycosides that creates cyanide in the pits. Swallowing a pit or two is not going to have much effect - our bodies will deal with a certain amount of cyanide but it is more dangerous if you chew them. This makes children particularly vulnerable, especially if they get into a full bowl and don't de-pit the fruit. Some people die every year (not just children) from eating too many pits, but you do have to work at it. For most of us, one or two is not a problem.

Rhubarb Leaves 

If you are an adventurous gardener, be aware that rhubarb leaves are not the healthy bitter green you might assume. There is a reason that rhubarb sold in your grocery store is sold without its leaves. Rhubarb leaves contain dangerously high levels of oxalic acid which can cause serious kidney damage potentially leading to death. Even though a 140 pound person would need to eat about 10 pounds of rhubarb leaves to die, a small amount still has the ability to make a person sick. When you're making a salad with fresh greens from your garden, steer clear of rhubarb leaves.

Raw Cassava 

One of the most consumed carbohydrates in the world, cassava, contains naturally occurring cyanogenic glycosides. Also known as yucca, this starchy tuber must always be dried, soaked, and cooked properly. In Africa, improperly processed cassava is a major problem and is associated with a number health disorders, particularly among people who are already malnourished. The toxin is primarily found in the leaves which protects it from being eaten by insects or animals, but the roots still contain a significant amount of natural poison and long-term exposure to this raw food can lead to deadly consequences. The proper processing of cassava includes drying, soaking in water, rinsing or cooking very soon after it is harvested.


 By Tracey Roizman, D.C.

What Are the Health Benefits of Sorrel Tea?
Photo Credit Siri Stafford/Lifesize/Getty Images
Sorrel, also known as wood sorrel or sour dock, is a sour-tasting perennial that grows in woods and shaded locations. Sorrel has thin, delicate leaves that have a purplish hue on their underside. Often consumed as a tea, sorrel contains high quantities of vitamin C and offers a variety of purported medicinal benefits, including diuretic effects and blood cleansing effects, in traditional herbal medicine. Research has substantiated some of the health claims for sorrel.


Sorrel tea contains flavonoid antioxidants that may boost your immune system, according to the Tropical Fruits Newsletter, a publication of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. Sorrel has been found to kill some kinds of cancer cells and in places, such as Sudan, Senegal, Egypt and Mexico, where sorrel tea is consumed regularly, experts have associated sorrel tea with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Sorrel also acts as a diuretic -- a substance that increases the production of urine -- assisting with weight loss. Mexican scientist Abigail Aguilar Contreras recommends drinking one liter per day of sorrel water made with 10 grams of sorrel in one liter of water. Sorrel can also be incorporated into your cooking and provides a rich source of vitamin C.


Red sorrel has a detoxifying effect and is thought to increase the rate of toxin removal from chemicals in junk food and alcohol consumption, as well as the dangerous byproducts your body produces as it breaks these chemicals down, according to the book "The Purification Plan," by Prevention Health Books. The antioxidant protocatechuic acid in sorrel scavenges free radicals and is more potent than vitamin E in this regard. Sorrel has also been shown to prevent potentially cancer-causing chemicals from causing cell mutations in the skin and colon by as much as 90 percent, and induces apoptosis -- programmed cell death -- in cancer cells. Additionally, sorrel may lower blood pressure and inhibits production of cell-damaging enzymes. Make a batch of sorrel tea by boiling 10 cups of water with 2 cups of dried sorrel leaves. Drink 2 cups per day.


Sorrel is one of four herbs that comprise Essiac tea -- an anticancer tea developed by the Ojibwa Indians of Canada, according to a report published in the January 2006 issue of the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology." Each of the herbs in the formula is thought to provide anti-cancer activity. In the study, Essiac tea showed considerable antioxidant capacity, reducing free radicals by 84 percent using a 50 percent tea preparation concentration. Essiac tea also prevented DNA damage. Researchers concluded that the antioxidant and DNA-protective effects observed in this test tube-based study may explain, in part, the reputed anti-cancer effects of Essiac tea and its component herbs.


Researchers at the Department of Food and Animal Sciences, Alabama A & M University, Normal, Alabama, demonstrated antibacterial properties of sorrel in a study published in the May 2011 issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Foods." Water extract of sorrel in concentrations of 2.5 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent inhibited E. coli in food samples, with higher doses producing better results. Researchers concluded considerable potential for the use of sorrel as an antimicrobial agent.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/470321-what-are-the-health-benefits-of-sorrel-tea/#ixzz2UbyQ9kC7

Sorrel Recipe 
  5 to 6 (1-inch) slices ginger
 1 cup dried sorrel leaves
 1 tablespoon cloves 
Brown sugar
 Red wine sherry,OR Rum optional

Let cut ginger sit for 2 to 3 hours. The longer it sits the stronger it becomes.
Boil ginger in 2 quarts of water. 
Once water is boiling, add sorrel and cloves.
 Boil for 30 minutes. 
Strain and add sugar and wine, to taste. 
Chill and serve.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


 By Billy Restrepo

Antiviral Properties of Honey
Photo Credit honey image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com

Honey has been a staple of several civilizations and can be dated back to cave paintings in Spain from 7000 BC. It has been used as an offering to the gods by the Greek, Romans, Egyptians, and has long been known for its healing properties as well as its sweet taste.

Wounds and Burns

Honey is a well-known antiseptic for cuts and burns and its application can stop some open wounds from developing infections. According to the Honey Association, honey absorbs the moisture around the opening of a wound that could potentially lead to infection. It has antimicrobial properties as well.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/179507-antiviral-properties-of-honey/#ixzz2UPQNiTAO

Cold Sores

Honey can help heal cold sores, and has been found to be more effective than some prescription cold sore medications, according to researchers at the University of Wales.

Staph Infections

Several studies have shown honey to be effective against staph infections, and Manuka honey has even been shown to be effective against the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MSRA bacteria, when administered topically. This type of honey is indigenous to New Zealand but is now readily available. In another study, published by Dubai Specialized Medical Center and Medical Research Laboratories, researchers found that "Local application of raw honey on infected wounds reduced redness, swelling, time for complete resolution of lesion, and time for eradication of bacterial infection due to S. aureus or Klebsiella sp. Its potency was comparable to that of local antibiotics."

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/179507-antiviral-properties-of-honey/#ixzz2UPQ8iOpV

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