Thursday, October 10, 2013

Doctrine of Signatures Theory


According to Orecchio, the Doctrine of Signatures began as a theory developed by 16th century Renaissance physician Paracelsus, that said plants that resemble parts of the body had healthy benefits for that body part.  

Ever heard of the Doctrine of Signatures theory? We hadn’t either, until nutritionist Christa Orecchio filled us in and now we think it’s pretty fascinating. According to Orecchio, the Doctrine of Signatures began as a theory developed by 16th century Renaissance physician Paracelsus, that said plants that resemble parts of the body had healthy benefits for that body part. Thanks to today's investigative, nutritional sciences (yay, technology), it's now known to be true. You can stop Googling nutritional stats--if a whole food resembles an organ or physiological function, it most likely provides a benefit for it. Here, Christa shares a few of her favorite Doctrine of Signatures foods.
What you see is what you get when it comes to these foods:
20/20 Vision
A sliced carrot looks just like a human eye. Carrots contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A, an important nutrient that greatly enhances blood flow and function of the eyes. If you missed headstand in practice today, enlist carrots to bring blood flow to the eyes.
Smarty pants
When you open a walnut, it looks like a miniature brain with a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. The wrinkles and folds it contains strongly resemble the neo-cortex. Walnuts are high in DHA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain health. Just a quarter cup provides your daily amount of DHA.
Good breath
If you skip your ujjayi breathing for a day, you can likely love your lungs with lotus root. This aquatic vegetable is a common tonic used in Chinese medicine to improve lung function. When sliced, it closely resembles the bronchial of the lungs. It contains abundant amounts of protein, amino acids, fiber, and Vitamins C, B1 and B2. Try it sautéed in coconut oil.


The doctrine of signatures is a philosophy shared by herbalists from the time of Dioscurides and Galen. This doctrine states that herbs that resemble various parts of the body can be used to treat ailments of that part of the body. A theological justification was made for this philosophy: "It was reasoned that the Almighty must have set his sign upon the various means of curing disease which he provided."[1] The concept is still reflected in the common names of some plants whose shapes and colors reminded herbalists of the parts of the body where they were thought to do good. Scientists see the doctrine of signatures as superstition. There is no scientific evidence that plant shapes and colors help in the discovery of medical uses of plants.[2] In similar doctrines from India, the sage Agasthiar is supposed to have had the capability to converse with plants to thus obtain from the plants which ailments and diseases they, the plants, could ameliorate and even cure.

The doctrine of signatures is a philosophy shared by herbalists from the time of Dioscurides and Galen. This doctrine states that herbs that resemble various parts of the body can be used to treat ailments of that part of the body. Although the doctrine of signatures was formalized in early modern times, the theme of natural objects' shapes having significance is a very old one and is not confined to Western thought. Examples include the plants liverwort; snakeroot, an antidote for snake venom; lungwort; bloodroot; toothwort; and wormwood, to expel intestinal parasites. The occasional resemblance of mandrake root to a human body has led to its being ascribed great significance (and supernatural powers) since ancient times and in many places.[4] The 17th-century botanist and herbalist William Coles (1626–1662), author of The Art of Simpling and Adam in Eden, stated that walnuts were good for curing head ailments because in his opinion, "they Have the perfect Signatures of the Head". Regarding Hypericum, he wrote, "The little holes whereof the leaves of Saint Johns wort are full, doe resemble all the pores of the skin and therefore it is profitable for all hurts and wounds that can happen thereunto."[3] Nicholas Culpeper's often-reprinted Complete Herbal takes the doctrine of signatures as common knowledge, and its influence can still be detected in modern herbal lore.

Some -wort plants and their signatures

  • Lousewort, Pedicularis - thought to be useful in repelling lice
  • Spleenwort, Asplenium - thought to be useful in treating the spleen
  • Liverwort, Marchantiophyta - thought to be useful in treating the liver
  • Toothwort, Dentaria - thought to be useful in treating tooth ailments
  • Hedge woundwort, thought to have antiseptic qualities
  • Lungwort - thought to be useful in treating pulmonary infections


Here's what members of ATS Forum has to say about the topic.

Nutritional Anatomy: Foods That Resemble the Body Part They Aid : Doctrine of Signatures

This doctrine states that herbs that resemble various parts of the body can be used to treat ailments of that part of the body.

(You'll find "signatures" to be quite broad a term. An interesting hypothesis nonetheless- and the upcoming list is quite a 'coincidence'.)

Up to the end of the sixteenth century, resemblance played a constructive role in the knowledge of Western culture. It was resemblance that largely guided exegesis and the interpretation of texts; it was resemblance that organized the play of symbols, made possible knowledge of things visible and invisible, and controlled the art of representing them. The universe was folded in upon itself: the earth echoing the sky, faces seeing them­selves reflected in the stars, and plants holding within their stems the secrets that were of use to man.

source ( - Michel Foucault, THE ORDER OF THINGS, CHAPTER 2, Pg. 17, An Arthaeology of the Human Sciences, A translation of "Les Mots et les choses" (1966))

The "Doctrine of Signatures" philosophy was expanded upon in theology by Christian European metaphysicists in the 16th century.

It was reasoned that the Almighty must have set his sign upon the various means of curing disease which he provided.

source ( - A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom (1896))

For the sake of the thread, let's not delve into the theology of the matter..

Let's put the "Doctrine of Signatures" speak on hold. No matter the truth behind the philosophy, there are some excellent examples/coincidences (whatever you personally would like to call them) that I would like to list here.

Here's that list I said was coming up!


"Let us all learn that food can be all the medicine we need.. the truth is.. a pill may treat your symptoms, but probably won't cure you... (because only treating our illnesses is profitable... get it?) "



Let's first consider walnuts.. If you crack one open, what does it resemble? Clearly, the anatomical look-alike is the human brain. As coincidental as it may seem, walnuts also aid this vital organ that sits safe inside your skull.

Walnuts are considered one of the ultimate brain food.. Here's why- Most nuts (most notably walnuts) contain a large amount of "α-Linolenic acid" (AlA). 'α' is the symbol for 'alpha'. ALA is an omega-3 fatty acid, an 'essential' polyunsaturated fat. source (

Walnuts also contain the other 'essential' fatty acid, "Linoleic acid" (LA). LA is an omega-6 fatty acid.source (

And when we say 'essential', we mean it. They have been traditionally classified as so for good reason. These fatty acids play a fundamental role in several of our physiological functions and- our bodies are unable to produce them on their own. I'd say 'essential' is a suitable adjective for the stated situation. It is essential for us to make sure we consume enough of both alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid through our daily diets.source (

These healthy fats help prevent a wide range of medical problems, including cardiovascular disease (leading cause of death in the U.S.)source ( depression, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.

The plant based Omega-3 ALA makes up almost one-tenth of the walnut you're eating- source1 ( source2 ( and our bodies require the fatty acid for many normal body functions, such as building cell membranes in the brain, and controlling blood clotting. source (

You have probably already heard that omega-3 fatty acids are associated with many health benefits, including protection against heart disease and possibly stroke.

So.. eat up on those organic walnuts, folks. Why not go the distance and buy some whole ones.. that way, when you crack it open, you can appreciate the food as an entirety.. and you'll probably only be eating the ingredient "organic walnut". Read your labels.

Bake some walnuts into Banana/Walnut Bread. It's delicious.


Perhaps not as a whole, however if you take a slice of a carrot and look at the insides- you'll see what looks just like a human eye. Its got a darker circle in the center (like the pupil) and a large outside ring that resembles an iris with radiating lines.. very similar, indeed. So.. do carrots aid this body part they look like? Well, the simple answer is yes. Carrots contain Vitamin A and β-Carotene ('β' is the symbol for 'beta'). Let's go over what these things are and what they help.

Vitamin A is group of antioxidant compounds. source ( They play an important role health of the immune system, in bone growth, and in vision. The antioxidant compounds found in Vitamin A strengthen things like the surface of the eye and mucous membranes (like the ones contiguous with the skin of our eyelids) be effective barriers to bacteria and viruses. This can reduce the risk of infectious diseases, respiratory problems, and eye infections.

There are two types of Vitamin A. The first comes from animal products and is already in the form of 'retinol'. This kind of Vitamin A can be used directly in the body after consumption. The second type of Vitamin A is in the form of 'provitamin A' carotenoids. A carotenoid is a pigmented substance found in fruits and veggies that has antioxidant properties. They are responsible for adding some of the color (mainly red, orange, and yellow) to the plants and food. You can see the similarity in color of carrots, sweet potatoes, and canteloupe- carotenoids doing there. Our bodies convert this type of Vitamin A to retinol after consumption.source (

'Beta-carotene' is one of the most prevalent and effective provitamin A carotenoids included in carrots. Other notable provitamin A carotenoids found in carrots are 'α-carotene' and 'β-Cryptoxanthin'. All of these helpful carotenoids keep your eyes, espescially the 'cornea', healthy and strong.

So.. eat up on those organic carrots, folks. Why not go the distance and buy some whole ones.. that way, when you wash it off and (if you wish)peel off the carrot skin, you can appreciate the food as an entirety.. and you'll probably only be eating the ingredient "organic carrot". Read your labels. (worth a repeat, let it sink in)

Steam your carrots.. (or most vegetables) one of the healthiest cooking techniques there is!
source (




Sunday, September 15, 2013

Purifying Water During an Emergency

The treatments described below work only to remove bacteria or viruses from water. If you suspect the water is unsafe because of chemicals, oils, poisonous substances, sewage or other contaminants, do not drink the water. Don't drink water that is dark colored, has an odor or contains solid materials.

Storing water safely

The best source of drinking water during an emergency is water you have stored with your emergency supplies.
  • Store one gallon of water per person per day--enough for at least three days.
  • Store-bought, factory-sealed bottled water is best. Check for an expiration date and replace as needed. 
  • If you choose to fill your own water containers:
    • Collect the water from a safe supply.
    • Store water in thoroughly washed plastic containers such as soft drink bottles. You can also purchase food-grade plastic buckets or drums.
    • Seal water containers tightly, label with date, and store in a cool, dark place.
    • Replace water every six months.
    • Never reuse a container that held toxic substances such as pesticides, chemicals or oil.

Purifying by boiling

If your tap water is unsafe, boiling is the best method to kill disease-causing organisms.
If tap water is unavailable, the following may be considered as potential water sources. Water taken from these sources should be boiled before drinking.
  • Rainwater
  • Lakes
  • Rivers and streams
  • Natural springs
  • Ponds
Caution: Many chemical pollutants will not be removed by boiling.
Cloudy water should be filtered before boiling. Filter cloudy water using coffee filters, paper towels, cheesecloth or a cotton plug in a funnel.      
  • Bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one full minute.
  • Let the water cool before drinking.
  • Add two drops of household bleach per gallon to maintain water quality while in storage.

Purifying by adding liquid chlorine bleach

  • Treat water by adding liquid household bleach, such as Clorox or Purex.
  • Household bleach is typically between 5.25 percent and 8.25 percent chlorine. Read the label.
  • Avoid using bleaches that contain perfumes, dyes and other additives. Be sure to read the label.
  • Cloudy water should be filtered before adding bleach.
  • Place the water in a clean container. Add the amount of bleach according to the table below.
  • Mix thoroughly and let stand for at least 60 minutes before drinking.


Treating water with household bleach containing 5.25-8.25 percent chlorine
Volume of Water to be Treated Bleach Solution to Add
1 quart/1 liter 5 drops
1/2 gallon/2 quarts/2 liters 10 drops
1 gallon 1/4 teaspoon
5 gallons 1 teaspoon
10 gallons 2 teaspoons

Caution: Bleach will not kill some disease-causing organisms commonly found in surface water. Bleach will not remove chemical pollutants.

DOH Pub 821-031
Revised - July 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Effects of Magnetite, Magnetic Water and Magnetic Monopoles on Plant Growth

The Effects of Magnetite, Magnetic Water and Magnetic Monopoles on Plant Growth

By John V Milewski Ph D
December, 2006

For the past three years I have been drinking magnetic water for it's health and rejuvenating properties. I have reported about in the following web site:

However also in these three years I have been using magnetic water and magnetite in the soil to stimulate the growth of plants. I have had some very exciting results in plant growth related to magnetite in the soil or watering plants with magnetic water so I feel it time to write about it now.

Before I go into presenting the results of accelerated plant growth, that I have been witnessing, I feel a little explanation of the theory that I have developed to help me understand what is happening will be presented.

First I refer to the classic work that Phillip S. Callahan Pd D. as presented in his book “Ancient Mysteries and Modern Visions.” chapters seven, eight and nine about magnetic monopoles. His explanation of what magnetic monopoles are and how they are formed, I have found to be very enlightening and it lays the basis for all of my future understanding of what is happening in what I will be presenting.

We know that here on Earth we cannot make a magnetic monopole by just breaking a bar magnet in half. When we do this both broken halves instantly develop another magnetic pole opposite to the pole on the other end. Apparently a tremendous amount of energy is needed to separate these magnetic poles. Callahan says this is done by the sun whenever it has solar flares. He says the sun is emitting magnetic dipoles all the time but when there are solar flares and the dipoles go through these solar flares they are exposed to very high temperature energy sources. These magnetic storms are sufficient to break apart these dipoles into monopoles both north and south which continue to radiate out into space and eventually some of them fall to our earth.

Callahan says that the north magnetic monopoles come in and are attracted to the plants, tree leaves and green vegetation while the south magnetic monopoles are attracted to the soil, rocks and stones. In normal plant growth the south magnetic monopoles migrate through the soil to the roots of the plants. At the same time the north magnetic monopoles are attracted to the plant leaves. This combination gives the plants a magnetic dipole charge. As a result the south magnetic monopoles in the soil are attracted to the roots of the plants and, as Callahan says, the roots act as wave guides for the south poles to run up through plant stem to recombine with their former mates, the north poles, that are waiting for them in the plant leaves. This recombination releases a large amount of energy that the plant uses to support the photosynthesis process.

Photosynthesis has always been a mystery to scientists, because there is not enough energy in sunlight alone to break up the water and CO2 molecules. If this was so, the sun would decompose the oceans by just shining on them and there would be no CO2 in the atmosphere. So additional energy is coming from somewhere and I suggest that it is coming from the recombination of magnetic monopoles.

Some scientist say that the photosynthesis process is catalyzed by the chlorophyll molecule. This is also true but may I suggest that maybe the chlorophyll molecule gets some extra energy help from magnetic monopole union and subsequent energy release. We will talk about this idea of how chlorophyll helps later in the paper when I start talking about how this magnetic energy helps humans and look at the hemoglobin molecule in our blood which structurally and energetically is very similar to chlorophyll.

More on the theory:
Let's start with the conductivity of electrons (or, called by another name, electric monopoles). A wire for electron conductivity consist of a electron conductor like a metal which is covered by a non conductor material like a plastic which is an electron insulator. This covering keeps the electrons from running off to other materials that it may contact and keeps the electric monopoles flowing in one direction.

Now I propose that there is parity in the universe between electric monopoles and magnetic monopoles. So, according to this theory, a good conductor for magnetic monopoles would consist of just the opposite structure. We would want and insulator like a plastic covered by an electric conductor. How wonderful nature is that it provides just that structure in the plant's root stems, and branches. The core of the plant root stems and branches is a wood-like material like cellulose (a natural plastic material) which is covered by a bark-like material which contains a water like sap which is an electrical conductor. Callahan calls this structure a wave guide for magnetic monopoles, I call it just a good conductor for magnetic monopoles.

Now that we understand this theory, it makes sense to put magnetite or magnetic water into the soil especially if we believe that it brings with it an increase of south magnetic monopoles. Again back to Callahan where he says that plants grow better and stronger and need less water when planted in paramagnetic soil. Now in the light of this theory and the evidence of very significant accelerated plant growth, that I will soon present, I will suggest that adding even a small amount of magnetite and or magnetic water to the soil has a very similar effect but even more so, on plant growth as that of paramagnetic soil alone.

So it appears that somehow more south magnetic monopoles are attracted to the soil and, in turn, run through the plant roots, up the stems and through the branch to the leaves to find their mates, the north magnetic monopoles. Viola! More accelerated plant growth which I believe is directly due to the reunion of both north and south magnetic monopoles and the energy that is released with their reunion.

The Experimental Evidence:
One of my first experiments, which was performed In the fall of 2004, was to observed the effect of addition of magnetite to the soil of plants. Two 4" by 4" flower pots were filled with soil from our garden. Ten percent, by weight, of the soil of one pot was removed and replaced with magnetite. Both pots were seeded with petunia seed; about 4 seeds each. Both pots were watered every other day and exposed to daily sun light. The plants were observed daily and both sprouted within a week. After three week these pictures were taken. The plants in plant garden soil were about one inch height and the maximum leaf diameter was about one quarter inch. Most of the leaves were nibbled on by bugs. At the same time the plants in the pot with the 10% magnetite in the soil were tall and strong and healthy They were about two inches tall and had leaves with a diameter of about ½ inch each and the leaves were perfect, no nibbles by any bugs. These results are easily seen in photo #1 ( The picture on the left shows the non magnetic soil plants and the one on the right shows only one plant because the other two were just removed before the picture was taken and planted in another garden.

It is very clear the magnetite in the soil promoted bigger and better plant growth and healthy plants able to fight off the bug attacks.

This experiment went so well that my wife said "put some of the black dirt in my flower garden". So in the spring of 2005, before everything started popping up, I took about ten pounds of magnetite and sprinkled it about on the soil. Well, amazing things started happening. All her plant grew bigger, faster and better that ever before. By mid summer we were calling it an over-stuffed garden as can be seen in photo #2.

The sedum plant, which normally is about 18 inches tall and 20 inches in diameter, in now 40 inch tall and 45 inch in diameter. The Chrysanthemum bunch, which is normally about 18 by 18, is now 36 by 40 inches high. The white Alyssum, used as a border, was crawling out all over at twice its normal rate. In general, all plants were two to five times their normal size and growth rate. Meanwhile, in another area around the house, my wife had a few large flower pots with geraniums in them. When winter started to come she wanted to bring one inside. She selected a pink one from the group seen in photo #3; ( which, at that time, was about 10 inches tall. We repotted it in a 12 inch diameter clay pot using regular garden soil with no magnetite.

At this time, I was making magnetic water and the wife and I were drinking it every day. It worked so well on us that I decided to start an experiment by watering this pink geranium only with one liter of magnetic water once a week. This water is made in my magnetite type generators. These generators are described on the web page linked above in the introduction.

Every few months I photographed the plant and measured its height to document its growth. The following photos show its growth over the next two years.

In the last year the top growth rate has slowed down but additional stems have sprung up and now there are three other stems over 4 feet and one more almost 5 feet tall. Some say, well it's over two years old, that's why it's so big; but even the 17 year old geranium, that my neighbor has, still is the same height it was after the first summer's growth--about 10 inches tall.

Next, since my wife's garden grew so well with magnetite on it, I decided to put some on my lawn. This is a story of good news bad news. I have a 500 square foot lawn. After putting on the magnetite it is beautiful and very green. That’s the good news but now I have to cut the lawn every 3 days instead of once a week, that’s the bad news. See photo 9, ( for the green grass.

In the spring of 2006 my wife planted a few different flowers in her garden; especially up front, just in back of the Alyssum, where she planted Nasturtiums. At first the Alyssum were growing very nicely and started crawling over the garden edging as it did last year but soon, to our surprise, the Nasturtiums started growing very fast and big and soon covered over the Alyssum and grew out over the side walk, climbed the near by trees and were over 3 feet high with leaves that had a diameter of 5 to 6 inches and vines up to 6 feet long. These leaves are shown in photo 10, (, which is a comparison to plant leaves planted in no magnetite soil. The magnetite soil was at it again; giving super stimulation to plant growth. Note that in all cases no fertilizers were used, only magnetite or magnetic water.

The evidence is clear that the plants are being stimulated to grow much bigger, faster and healthier. It is my contention that it is additional magnetic energy that is being supplied to the plants in the form of magnetic monopoles. I believe that this additional supply of magnetic monopoles is being added to the soil by the presence of the magnetite and/or the magnetic water.

I also believe that we live in a sea of magnetic energy called Superlight and it is the Superlight that gives the magnetic energy to the monopoles and the magnetic water. See my web site on Superlight to get the details of this theory of an infinite source of energy:


The Effects of Magnetic Water

The Effects of Magnetic Water
By John V. Milewski

December 21 2003

About 4 months ago I started drinking what I call magnetic water as a means of energizing my body. After a month or so an unusual effect started to show up.

It first showed up on a friend of mine called Bob S. I introduced him to the methods of making magnetic water. He took it up and in his experimentation he went a little further than I did. He was processing his water for about 5 days and drinking 3 cups a day, while I was only processing it for 2 to 3 days. He reported to me that his hair was turning dark, especially in the back of his head near the neck line. As time went on, this effect spread upward and more toward the front. Now after about 4 months his hair is about 95% dark in the back and about 80%, and in the sides and front and his beard about 50% dark.

At that time, which was about 3 months ago, I started watching my own hair. Before I started drinking what I call "magnetic water" my head hair was about 90% gray, and the hair on my beard and mustache was 100% gray. I did not know about the effect of this energized water hair so I was not watching it for the first few months. So when I first noticed it the hair on the back of my head had already turned about 30% dark; now after about 4 to 5 months my hair on the sides, back and top is about 60% turned. My mustache is about 50% turned dark while the beard is still pure white-gray.

John Milewski BackJohn Milewski Side

As a result of these effects I decided to upgrade my processing facility and make it possible for me to have 5 day water. Five day water is defined as water that remains in the magnetic activation apparatus for a minimum of 5 days. Previous to that I was only using 2 to 3 day water. Now we drink a minimum of 3 cups of this water a day and probably 5 to 6 cups.

What is very unusual about these changes is that the whole hair changes at once from gray to black. It does not start at the roots and grow out but the whole length of the hair turns at once. You may have heard of stories about a person who experienced a terrible shock in their life and their hair turned white over night, well I believe that this magnetic water has the reverse effect, but at a much smaller amount and it takes months to see the effect but the positive effect is there and is real.

The apparatus for making this water is very simple. It consists of an empty new one gallon, in paint can, in which is placed an empty one liter soda bottle that has the top cut off at the level where it starts to get narrower. In the space between the inner wall of the paint can and the empty one liter container, magnetite is poured. This makes a cylinder of powdered magnetite about one and one half inches thick surrounding the one liter size hole in the center. Into this hole is placed a standard bottle of store bought spring water that is about 710 ml size (that's a 3 cup volume of water). It fits in very nicely.

Paramagnetic Charger

You make up a minimum of five of these units. Take one bottle out every day and drink the water.

What I think is happening is that the magnetite which is a strong magnetic suscepter is concentrating the earth's magnetic fields into it's cylindrical shape and the shape effect, in turn, sets up a magnetic spiral vortex in the core of the cylinder in which the water is stored. This in turn activates the water with the magnetic energy.

I think this is the activating force for change in our bodies toward regeneration, as we drink it, and the hair color restoration is the first sign of this happening. A second sign is that my fingernails are growing faster and stronger and my skin seems to be getting smother and softer, in spots, with less skin tags.

Bob S had to go to the dentist to have two molars crowned. He had been drinking the water for about two months before going to the dentist. The dentist told him that he was going to have to do two root canals at $475.00 each before he could do the crowns. When the dentist removed the old fillings he was surprised because he said that where the root was supposed to be, the molars had calcified! He couldn't believe it! He said he had never seen anything like it. Bob S was really happy because he saved $950.00!


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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2005 Interview with Stefan Lanka on "bird flu"

QuotesWhen I started doing viral research, it was already 1986, 1987, just when the public in Germany and Europe was starting to become aware of AIDS. Because AIDS was supposedly caused by a virus, I was automatically considered a specialist in the AIDS field. In the beginning, this was a nice feeling. I was telling people what I heard from the mass media and the TV, and I was not checking the evidence because everybody was convinced AIDS was a viral disease. Then I heard about the things that Robert Gallo [American cancer researcher who first identified HIV as the cause of AIDS] was doing wrong, and that he was misleading the public about his first retrovirus [HTLV-I, which Gallo claimed to be the cause of AIDS in 1982, before his alleged discovery of HIV] and he had stolen the virus from Montagnier, and all this kind of gossip.
    I already had a somewhat critical attitude when I started studying molecular genetics, so I went to the library to look up the literature on HIV. To my big surprise, I found that when they are speaking about HIV they are not speaking about a virus. They are speaking about cellular characteristics and activities of cells under very special conditions. I was so deeply shocked. I was thinking, "Well, I'm not experienced enough. I have overlooked something. On the other side, those people are absolutely sure." Then I was afraid that speaking about this with my friends, or even my family, they would think is absolutely mad and crazy. So for a long time I studied virology, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end, to be absolutely sure that there was no such thing as HIV. And it was easy for me to be sure about this because I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses -- as well as other viruses which are claimed to be very dangerous -- in fact do not exist at all. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
In the beginning, of course, some of the publications of Peter Duesberg helped me a lot, because he was an authority who questioned a lot of things, and that helped me. I translated some of this articles into German and published them in a small publishing house. But then, with time, I learned about other specialists, among them Heinrich Kremer, the well-known German medical doctor, former medical director of the Federal German Drug Abuser Clinics, who helped me to understand what was really going on.
    Because he was in charge of the introduction of hepatitis B vaccine into Germany, and used it in his patients, Dr. Kremer checked out the hepatitis B vaccines on the market. He found that the American vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, was produced with the sera donated by men in the Gay scene in New York City between 1978 and 1980. So, as he knew, there was a lot of sex going on in a minority of these men, and therefore they had had a lot of sexually transmitted diseases. So he was afraid of using this vaccine, and instead he used the French vaccine, which was produced from blood donations by the general population in France.
But in 1983 the German government forced him not to use this vaccine anymore. They said the French vaccine is poisoned by the "AIDS virus" -- at the time when nobody was positively speaking about an "AIDS virus" -- but the American vaccine was O.K. He knew, or he was warned, that this had nothing to do with the science, but it had to do with the fact that the German medical system, in parts of Germany, is virtually a colony of the American system.
Soon after, in 1984, he was told to deliver frozen blood samples of his patients to Berlin, to the newly founded AIDS Center, to be tested for the "AIDS virus." Before he let his blood out, he checked what's the evidence for the accuracy and reliability of the HIV antibody test, and he realized that this test is not able to detect the virus. It is not able to say yes or no, you are or are not infected. It is only able to say that you have a higher or lower amount of antibodies. That's how the HIV antibody test was and is designed. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
Dr. Kremer knew this already by 1984. He was very worried about the fate of his patients, because in 1984 the politicians asked him to put these already stigmatized "HIV-positive" patients into quarantine, which means to separate them from the other ones. He said no, because there's no infectious entity out there. He knew everybody who went through chronic active hepatitis or had the hepatitis B vaccine would test "HIV-positive." So he knew that there is no infection in his hospital.
    He informed the mass media, who went to his hospital to inform themselves, in great detail. He told them all the evidence. And the very same journalists, in talk shows, in Der Spiegel [one of Germany's largest and most popular magazines] for example, published just the contrary. So he knew that it was intentional from the very beginning. They played war. They all wanted to have a blood and sex plague, contrary to the evidence which he presented to them. So he knew that AIDS was built up on misconceptions. He was dealing at the top political level. They told him, off the record, that they knew, they didn't care, it was about how to deal with the drug problem and with the homosexuals.
    They even tried to kill him, and this didn't succeed. He had a good intuition and got out of his car before the tire blew out. Then he learned from a minister who had a deep respect for him, because of his work with prisoners and drug abusers, that the German government was carrying out a secret psychological investigation, trying to prove that he was mentally ill and being kept in his job only because they considered him in danger of committing suicide. So when he learned this, he left his very highly-ranked position because he was not able to be silent on this. That would not fit his ethics.
    I also met Professor Alfred Hässig of Switzerland. He founded Swiss blood-donation system and was one of the first to take out products from the blood in order to make plasma to treat chronic disease. By becoming a colleague and a very close friend of his by now, I learned a great deal about the whole blood-producing industry and the criminal energy behind it. In March of 1996 in Berne [capital of Switzerland], Hässig, Kremer and I met for the first time.
    It became clear, also, what's happening in the field of hepatitis. They are not dealing with a virus. Of course, there's a possibility to enrich certain kinds of proteins in blood products, which then cause severe autoimmune reactions, but only in very stressed-out people, never in non-stressed people. When they learned to take out these proteins from the blood products, or dilute them, there are not hepatic problems anymore. I learned this through him. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
In order to explain failure to find a retrovirus that directly caused cancer, they claimed to be able to measure the immune system. But this is ridiculous. In the Journal of the American Medical Association, August 28, 1981, it was published that it makes no sense to measure lymphocytes in the blood because only a few of them are in the blood. The immune system is carried out, not in the blood, but in the tissues. Only rarely and accidentally do we see some of them in the blood. We've already carried out thousands of studies which have proven no correlation between disease or health, in old or young, in T-cells; and even less, of course, in T-cell subsets.
    But, even though they knew that these T-cell tests had not meaning, they were selling them to the market. Beginning in 1977, starting in the United States, it was possible to patent biological entities or biological techniques, so people started to make money out of biological ideas. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
 PCP is a fungus. And this was and is the most important AIDS-defining disease. If you look at who comes down with this disease, you see people who are using poppers. What are poppers? Nitrites. And check every dictionary in the bookstore, or the People's Medical Dictionary: what do nitrites do in the body? They oxidize the blood. That means the blood itself is not able to transport oxygen. So, of course, the first cells to suffer are cells in the lung.
    Nitrites are transformed immediately into nitric oxide in the smallest capillars [capillaries?, F.C.] of the body. Nitric oxide is produced by the body in very low concentrations in order to control blood pressure, in order to control development. It has to be detoxified by the body immediately, because in higher concentrations it acts very aggressively, destroying everything. This is why the "eating cells" of the immune system, the macrophages, are releasing nitric oxide in high quantities in inflammation reactions: to destroy and digest the bacterial cells.
So if you take up nitrites regularly, or from time to time -- which means huge, excessive amounts of nitric oxide are produced -- it means you start the self-destroying process in your own body, especially in the lungs. You are destroying your lung tissue, and fungal infections are growing on this dead organic matter. Even so, immune functions are perfect, because these patients do suppress bacterial infections. All those 60 different kinds of lung disease we know by now, all caused by bacterial infections, do not appear because the immune functions are still well.
So we have a direct toxic effect, which may happen even when your detoxification system is not working on a cellular level, because you will suffer malnutrition. PCP can also happen in people who suffer extreme malnutrition, like we've had in Africa. This is the reason why PCP is not part of the AIDS definition in Africa, because we have it in the children who suffer starvation because the detoxification system of the cells is very weak in children. This is why, in the Middle Ages, when the wells had been poisoned by feces or meat from the civil wars or wars, it was the children who suffered, turning blue -- this was called "the disease of the blues" -- when they drank water, because there were a lot of nitrites and nitrates inside, produced by nitrifying bacteria when the wells had been poisoned, because the detoxification systems of children are very low. This is why the children starving heavily in Africa come down with PCP ever since.
I can foresee, here and now, that people regularly using Viagra will be coming down with KS in two to three years because Viagra acts by blocking the neutralization of nitric oxide. When you take Viagra, nitric oxide accumulates, relaxing the smooth muscles, that blood is flowing in, the penis is being erected, and our muscles are relaxed. Poppers act by the same mode, because the nitrites are transformed into nitric oxide in the smallest vessels, and so the smallest vessels become relaxed. But whereas poppers directly produce nitric oxide, Viagra works by preventing the neutralization of nitric oxide which comes into existence normally in the process of blood pressure regulation. It constantly persists at a very low level, but if it accumulates, you are in a very big danger.
So, if the blood has oxidized itself and the lining of the smallest vessels, the capillars (i.e. capillaries, F.C.] , is destroyed by nitric oxide, what's going to happen? Those cells will turn into cancer cells. There's a lack of oxygen, and the first cells to suffer this oxygen deficiency are the lining of the epithelium, the smallest vessels, where the nitrites are transformed into nitric oxide. And this is, as a matter of fact, the definition of Kaposi' Sarcoma: when the lining -- the interior of the smallest vessels -- develops into cancerous form, growing bigger and multiplying. This is hyperplasia, no a form of sarcoma, but a real form of cancer, and this is defined as KS. It can also come into existence even if you are not swallowing poppers, but when your cellular detoxification system is not working anymore. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
Professor Hässig once met the person responsible for the industry to produce industrial blood products, and once, when this person was drunk while visiting the Fiji Islands after a conference in Australia, this person told Professor Hässig that soon they are going to smash the state-owned blood producing units, based on voluntary blood donations, because they're much cheaper producing their blood products because they go into the Third World countries, and they are already there in all the prisons of the dictators in South America and elsewhere.
    When Hässig heard about this, he rang some of his friends -- and, of course, Hässig was the leading person in the blood business -- and at this time there were some non-corrupted people in the WHO (World Health Organization). So, in an emergency meeting, on short notice so the industry had not time to corrupt the members who decided on these issues, they decided that the position of the WHO would be that it isn't allowed to produce plasma in the Third World, because they would bleed them out.
    Now they are bleeding out the poorest of the poor, and they are going to Mexico, near where we are sitting right now. In order to help the commercial blood products industry, the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] has approved that a single person may give up to 50 units of plasma a year. That means he may drop in two times a week to give blood and liver plasma. And an elephant wouldn't possibly survive that, right? So that's the background, and what they did when all that was in place was they changed the way they were treating hemophiliacs. It started in California.
    Up to the year 1969 it was forbidden to give the clotting factors to hemophiliacs unless they had internal bleeding. If they would give them prophylactically, antibodies would be produced because these blood products are highly contaminated. In 1969 the industry started to convince some medical doctors -- and the first one was a woman doctor in California -- to treat hemophiliac patients prophylactically with those clotting factors, and this is how the industry made a lot of money. And, of course, the bodies of these hemophiliacs made a lot of antibodies against those products, which had been foreseen. They've had to use higher doses of clotting factors ever since, in order to compete with those antibodies, so that those clotting factors actually work. They gradually have to increase the amount they are injecting.
    This has been the biggest business in the blood industry ever since. Nobody's speaking about this, but that's why almost all hemophiliacs have come down with hepatitis. If you inject such a high amount of foreign proteins, and all the contaminants, then of course the liver, as the central metabolic organ, is stressed out, resulting in hepatic inflammations. A lot of hemophiliacs died from hepatitis, and it was blames on nonexistent viruses. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
I'm absolutely sure that no antibody test in medicine has any absolute meaning. Especially in HIV antibody testing, it is clear that the antibodies that are detected in the test are present in everybody. Some people have them in higher concentrations, and some in lower concentrations, but only when you reach a very high level of antibodies -- much higher than in any other antibody testing -- are you considered to be "positive." This is a contradiction in terms because in other antibody tests, the lower your level of antibodies, the higher your risk for a symptomatic infection. But with HIV they say you are "positive" only when you have reached a very high level of antibodies. Below this level, you are said to be negative. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
"It became clear, also, what's happening in the field of hepatitis. They are not dealing with a virus. Of course, there's a possibility to enrich certain kinds of proteins in blood products, which then cause severe autoimmune reactions, but only in very stressed-out people, never in non-stressed people. When they learned to take out these proteins from the blood products, or dilute them, there are not hepatic problems anymore.....there's no such thing as infectious hepatitis (and no hepatitis viruses)."--[1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA
The school medicine protagonists/practitioners need the paralysing, stupid-making and destructive fear of disease causing phantom viruses as a central basis for their existence:
    Firstly, in order to harm many people with vaccinations, in order to build up for themselves a clientele of chronically ill and ailing objects who will put up with anything being done to them.
    Secondly, in order not to have to admit that they are failing totally in their treatment of chronic illnesses and have killed and are killing more people than all wars so far have made possible. Every school medicine practitioner is conscious of this, but only very few dare to speak about it. Therefore it's no wonder either that among professional groups, it is that of the school medicine practitioners that has the highest suicide rate, far surpassing other professional groups.
    Thirdly, the school medicine practitioners need the paralysing and stupid-making fear of diabolical viruses, in order to conceal their historical origin as an oppression and killing instrument of the Vatican's when it was struggling to rise in the world, having developed out of the usurping West Roman army.
School medicine has been and is the most important pillar of support of all dictatorships and governments which do not want to submit to written law, to constitutions, to human rights, that is, to the democratically legitimized social contract. This explains too why school medicine really can and is allowed to do anything that pleases it, and in this is subjected to no control whatsoever. If we do not overcome this, we will all perish by this school medicine.[27.10.2005Interview with Stefan Lanka  on "bird flu" and some related subjects

We are experiencing in the present bird flu panic that the state, contrary to its knowledge, in Germany is surrendering the population into the hands of some persons or other who are camouflaging themselves as scientists. An enforced chemotherapy is being planned, and next spring the entire German population is to be forcibly vaccinated twice against the purported bird flu phantom.
But neither has ever a bird flu virus been demonstrated to exist, nor has the existence of any virus whatsoever that would have anything to do with anybody's falling ill been demonstrated. Such viruses do not exist. Precisely in the same manner as the minister admitted, concerning the purported AIDS virus, they are being maintained to be proven and therefore to exist because of an international scientific consensus..................[27.10.2005Interview with Stefan Lanka  on "bird flu" and some related subjects
The name of that English laboratory the public has not gotten to know. It's the reference laboratory of the EU for bird flu, in Weybridge. I have asked the scientists several times for the pieces of proof of the existence of the H5N1 virus. They have replied to me only once, and after that never again, and wrote that they did not understand my question.
To the World Health Organization and in particular to the bird flu pandemic co-ordinator, the German Klaus Stöhr, I also have written several times and asked for proof of the existence of the bird flu virus. Neither the WHO nor Klaus Stöhr has reacted to this. ...............
For demonstrating the existence of H5N1, really no sample is necessary either, since, as is the case with all purported contagious diseases, it is a question of a planned action, intended for political reasons to induce fear.
     Firstly, those round formations which supposedly are influenza viruses are, as every molecular-biologist can see,  artificially  produced  particles consisting of fats and proteins. The layman can check on this by asking for a scientific publication in which these pictures are reproduced and described and the composition of the formations shown is documented. Such a publication does not exist.
    Secondly, those pictures which supposedly show bird flu viruses in reality show, as every biologist can make out without any doubt about it, quite normal component parts of cells, or even show complete cells which happen to be in the process of exporting or importing cell and metabolism component parts. Again, the layman can check on this very precisely, by asking for those publications on which those photos are based and from which they originate: He will never receive such publications. The scaremongerers' craftguild is loth to expose its trade basis, the swindles with laboratory and animal experiments.
    If you ask the picture agencies or a news agency such as the dpa from where they are getting these photos of theirs, then they will refer you to the American contagious-disease authority the CDC of the Pentagon. From this CDC it is that the only photo of the purported H5N1 originates too.
    This photo shows the length section cut and also the cross section cut of tubes in cells which have been caused to die in a test-tube. These small tubes in the professional language are called microtubuli, and serve the transport and communication in the cell and in the process of cell division. [27.10.2005Interview with Stefan Lanka  on "bird flu" and some related subjects
Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, from whom the allegation of a reconstruction of the 1918 pandemic virus originates, works for the US-American army and has worked for more than 10 years on producing, on the basis of samples from different human corpses, short pieces of gene substance by means of the biochemical multiplication technique PCR. Out of the multitude of produced pieces he has selected those which came closest to the model of the genetic substance of  the idea of an influenza virus, and has published these.
    In no corpse however was a virus seen or isolated or was a piece of gene substance from a such isolated. By means of the PCR technique there were produced out of nothing pieces of gene substance whose earlier existence in the corpse could not be demonstrated.
    If viruses had been present, then these could have been isolated, and out of them their gene substance could have been isolated too; there would have been no necessity for anyone to produce laboriously, by means of PCR technique - with clearly a swindle intention - a patchwork quilt of a model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus.
About these short pieces of gene substance, which in the sense of genetics are not complete and which do not even suffice for defining a gene, it is being maintained that they together would make up the entire gene substance of an influenza virus.
    In order to see through this swindle one only has to be able to add up the published length pieces, in order to ascertain that the sum of the lengths of the individual pieces, which supposedly makes up the entire viral gene substance of the purported influenza virus, does not make up the length of the idea of the genome of the influenza virus model.
    Even simpler it is to ask in what publication you can find the electron microscope photo of this supposedly reconstructed virus. There is no such publication.


[27.10.2005Interview with Stefan Lanka  on "bird flu" and some related subjects

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vernon’s Dance With Cancer

....."I let the pH info I got from my son incubate for a few days before I did any pH research. The research  lead to Cesium Therapy. Cesium is a mineral, that according to internet studies, likes to eat up cancer. It attacks the tumor from the inside out. And of course, it is highly alkaline.
I was anxious to become friends with cesium. I had nothing to lose. I do not and did not care what the naysayers say. I wanted to do something. So Cesium it was! But wait…the cesium got lost in the mail. Oh crap, now what do I do? Wait for a reshipment? No…Can’t do that. I am on a roll; need to do something quickly. The next allopathic test is around the corner.
......That is when I decided to try baking soda. It was something that I ran across on the internet that suggested  that it too would raise my body’s pH. Now both of these pH raising substances did not indicate they would be successful in killing bone cancer. Quite the contrary! The research indicated neither would help get rid of bone cancer. So, I decided to add a twist. I added Black Strap Molasses as the carrier.
....... I later found out that Arm and Hammer is shunned by some baking soda users because of the idea that it has aluminum in it. Well, at the time, I could have cared less. Hey man, my body is hanging on to some pretty corrupt bones. What would you do?
As I later found out from research and a visit to a natural food store, aluminum is not in baking soda, It is in baking powder. The employee specializing in the vitamin and mineral department said that  Bob’s Red Mill Baking Powder is aluminum free and so is, as far as she knows, all baking soda brands. Oh crap! I am sure there will be discussion on that.
Speaking of baking soda I am sure many people are interested to know what proportions of baking soda I used with the molasses. As a matter of fact I am sure of it, because invariably that questions pops up when I speak about baking soda and my dance with cancer.
Thank all the gods that I took notes. Larry of Stocko fame (and a true Rainbow) on one of the Yahoo Cesium groups drilled into me the necessity of good notes. He told me that it is for my good and for the good of others. Good for me especially if I live. Larry, by the way, was instrumental in providing me with information. You see he and his wife have had some some of their own experiences with cancer. " It is quite a story......

Monday, July 22, 2013

Breathing BreathSlim Cancer Weight Loss and Reclaiming One’s Health

My Dance with Cancer



Breathing BreathSlim Cancer Weight Loss and Reclaiming One’s Health

My Current cancer take on Breathing for Health and Well Being
Breathing hit me hard and in the right places about 4 and ½ years ago. What happened was that I was diagnosed with terminal stage IV prostate cancer that metastasized to the bones. The doctors told me that they couldn’t do surgery, chemo, or radiation. I’m thinking “toast”, of course, and didn’t know what to do other than cry. (the whole story is on Long story short my son suggested I look into alkalizing my body, and I did – and that worked out well for me.
The adventure using baking soda to alkalize my body is what moved me to understand the role that breathing or oxygenation played in reclaiming my body’s health. The first indication happened during my baking soda protocol – there were a couple of times when I felt like every cell in my body had nostrils as large as wheel barrows. I was being flooded with oxygen and I liked it. I really liked it. It was a euphoric feeling and it was the first time that I felt that there was hope in recovering from that deadly bone cancer diagnosis.
The next time was just a few weeks later. I actually wrote about it in an answer to a lady inquiring about the process:
“Since you read my story on www.phkillscancer. com you know that the website story ended when I took my second ride through the bone scanner donut. Well, most of the doctors were not convinced that the bone cancer somehow disappeared from my pelvis. Some insisted it was hiding. One of the doctors even equated it to little dandelion seeds that will eventually push through the soil. It was just sitting there waiting to ‘sprout’ into what was there before.
So . . . the doctors took pictures of my liver, kidneys, and lungs. On each and every x ray, the doctors pointed out that there were very suspicious looking lesions, dark spots, and other things that I have no clue about. They ordered an intense look at each of these organs. The lungs were the most suspect because I guess prostate cancer likes to move into the lungs. Or at least that is what one of them told me.
Of course, I was not too excited about that situation. But my success with baking soda pumped up my confidence. I had 8 days to do something. I turned to PTR breathing. I put myself on a schedule of at least 3 hours a day of nose breathing for the next 8 days. I did not do 3 hours continuously. I totaled my sessions until I reached 3 hours.
Well, it sure felt good. And more importantly, when the lungs, kidneys, and liver were put under a bigger microscope, so to speak, the results were not what the doctors were expecting to find. They told me on each one that, “Well, I guess it wasn’t as bad as we first thought.””
That was my second mind opening positive breathing adventure. Coupled with the breathing adventure mentioned above was my idea of keeping notes of this deep comfortable relaxed focused/unfocused breathing process. The experience was beyond my expectations. Here are a few excepts of my notes from August 12, 2008 to August 20th 2008 :
48 min session – itch, mild scratching, massaged legs, face, ears, calves, ear drums, scalp, sometimes with feet, hands, and heels. Twisting and mild shaking.
07 min session – disjointed feeling; focused on nothing
57 min session – lightly shaking legs
40 min session – new feeling today; deeper/smoother; feeling in bladder muscles; big toe oxygenated; left shoulder too; feeling the pain point and breathe into it; started imagining breathing through others noses.
72 min session – deep breathing quickly relaxed; itching heels and feet; nice feeling
26 min session – breathing into heart
26 min session – breathing into the essence of lungwort. Oh, what a treat! Breathe it in. . . I am excited. Male/Female energy. Breathe in my youth = I cried. I relaxed and I cried more when I breathed for myself as an adolescent. It felt good & bad; mostly good; and then I reclaimed the power of that era of my life. . . oh, what a great 26 minutes.
Overall the sessions at times were dreamlike, except for the itching feelings. The squirming and twisting motion I believe was my body’s reaction to breaking away from tension. The itching to me is healing. What struck me the most was this fuzzy feeling of a movement into another aspect or dimension of the me of who I was or who I was becoming. It really didn’t strike home until several months later when I did another breathing session. This email to my family describes that adventure:

“As some of you know I have been actively involved in a Focused Breathing Process. The Process involves breathing through the nose – inhale & exhale – for extended periods of time. The most I have gone is 70 minutes. I have learned that there is no one way to attend to this Process. Sometimes I breathe with a goal in mind; sometimes nothing in mind. It does not matter anyway, because once I breathe for any amount of time, things change.

I have experienced several layers while breathing. My first was a profound itching over my entire body. It was scratch scratch scratch! I thought it strange, but Ptr the gentleman who introduced me/us to this Process said that it was one of the levels. My goal at that particular time was to overcome some potential negative news the doctors discovered with some xrays.  That is washed away now.
Other levels that I have experienced have been gyrations, relaxations, and breathing as though I was breathing through another’s nose. That is fun! It is one of most relaxing experiences I have ever experienced.

Now…what happened on one of my breathing episodes just a few days ago was an emotional turning point for me. A few days before this session happened, I had decided that I would breathe through my own nose, but with a twist. I would breathe inhaling and exhaling through myself as a child, adolescent, or baby. I figured with my heart appointment coming up that I wanted to step up the pressure on myself to whip my heart into shape. It has already improved, but why not some more. By tapping into myself at different ages I figured my heart’s memory in earlier ages would be healthier.

Because I had been diagnosed with heart murmurs in my childhood, I spent more time directing breathing through my nose when I was a baby, or even when I was in the womb. I was searching for a strong healthy heart Vernon time period. I knew I was on to something when after these sessions I noticed that my walking stamina improved. This is good! However, I was not prepared for what happened on my next breathing session.

I blissfully was breathing along feeling very very good about breathing again through me-as-a-baby’s-nose. I was only into it for about 10 minutes when my Dad showed up. He said, “Vernon, breathe through my now, I have a strong heart.” OMG – I was emotionally stunned. I did not know anything about Pop except that he basically ignored my as a child and as and adult. Granted, I knew a few things, but I have never felt his touch except in anger, and I have never felt his love.

I was stunned! I discovered right then and there that I had it wrong all these 64 years of my life. Even with all the presumed negative things I witnessed or heard about Pop, he did love me and still does. For the first time in my life I feel a Father’s Love. And believe me, it felt and still feels very good. More than that – it feels exquisite. My heart opened up!”

I spoke to my oldest sister a couple days later and she told me that she knew for a fact that Pop had a really strong heart.

I continued off on and over the next couple of years continuing with the breathing, but not in such depth or time as I did when I really needed it. Occasionally, like when I would feel a gout attack coming on, I would breathe into that troubled spot. More often than not that would do the trick. (gout is a another story which I have controlled with diet and breathing). I remember one time when I was awaken by this throbbing pain in my right big toe. “Crap, I am thinking, not another gout attack”. . . So, I breathed into that toe for about 1 hour – the swelling and the pain went away.
A Meditation Cd Booklet combination that I found very helpful is this one – Meditation Breathing Cd. This one was an excellent introduction into breathing along with words. I found it very relaxing and full of in depth information about health and well-being. It also kept me breathing. And BTW. . . it had been a requirement on my driver’s license for decades to wear corrective lenses, that was until this February when I passed my eye exam. – No glasses required and I did not have laser surgery. I attribute a lot of that to doing the breathing.
Recently, I have been introduced to a method which retrains my breathing by going from being a shallow breather into a deep breather by focusing not only on improving the inhale, but really focusing on maximizing the exhale – nice and slow exhale. Mark Sircus, Ac, OMD, Director of IMVA is the author of the powerful book “Sodium Bicarbonate: Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment” and the one who introduced me to this new method that I am more than willing to experience. It is by using an inexpensive breathing machine as the trainer. It was designed for weight loss, but Mark saw through that and was excited about trying it and then letting me know about it.  Once I get the machine and start working with it, I will post my thoughts and experiences. My initial thoughts are that it is an ideal way for a person to move from being a shallow breather to being a healthy full breath breather. Here is link to that book by Dr Sircus:
For those who can’t wait for my results, here is how to order it. It is called the ‘The BreathSlim’ and more information can be found by reading Dr. Sircus’s newsletter on his IMVA blog –  Besides the very informative  information about the power of breathing and how it affects cancer, there is also a 10% discount and a discount code. One can also get it through via BreathSlim .

Funny isn’t it. .  . a simple breathing machine used for weight loss has the strong potential to move mountains.

The BreathSlim machine: ready to move forward and breathe more oxygen into my body
Day 1: It is a simple machine much like a small lidded plastic cup with holes in it, inside another stiff plastic cup with a breathing tube extending out the top. I read all the directions and will follow them (mostly). The idea is to breathe through the nose and then exhale slowly through the breathing tube which extends down into the smaller interior cup which is partially submerged in water. Of course, the exhale is via through the mouth which is gently gripping the mouthpiece.
The idea is to inhale through the nose, hold the breath, and then slowly exhale through the mouth. The machine does its job: it is training me to exhale slowly. This is the reason for the water. It took several breaths to get used to this method of exhaling. Just a little bit of panic on those initial exhales. Nothing big – just getting used to exhaling through water; or ‘blowing bubbles’ as Dr. Mark Sircus likes to say.
I like that the BreathSlim is training me to incorporate a slow steady exhale into my breathing habits. I am the type of guy who generally, except when doing a breathing meditation, just lets the air out quickly.  Here is what I did the first day: Breathe in for about 5 seconds; hold for about 5 seconds; and then a slow gentle release for about 20 seconds. The pamphlet recommends starting with 5 seconds in; 5 seconds hold; and 10 seconds slow release. I have been a deep breather for a couple of years so my lung capacity is fairly large.
Dr. Sircus asked me to do this preliminary measurements before I start doing the BreathSlim:
“Please additionally have the following tests, with 5 minutes break between them; please use seconds to write down the results of the test.
Stange’s Test, or breath-holding at the stage of a calm inhalation. Breathe in and out normally, then take another inhale (about 80% of your maximum inhale) and hold your breath. Note the start time. You may shut your nostrils and close your eyes. Do not breathe as long as you can. When it gets too tough, this means the test is over. Open your nostrils and start breathing. Write down: “Stange’s Test: x seconds”.
Quiet your breath, keep reading, and take the last test in 5 minutes.
Hench’s Test, or breath-holding at the stage of a calm exhalation. After a calm exhalation hold your breath and note the start time. Keep holding your breath as long as you can. Again, you can sit with your eyes and nostrils shut, as if you were under water. As soon as you feel it becomes difficult to hold your breath, open your nose, start breathing, and notice the time. Write down: “Hench’s Test: x seconds”.
My results:
Strange’s Inhalation test – 49 seconds
Hench’s Exhalation test   – 37 seconds
Not sure what I am going to do with these numbers yet. I suppose it is going to be some sort of  ”Before and After” thing. I can generally hold my breath a fair amount of seconds – probably due to my last 3 years or so of doing deep comfortable focused/unfocused breathing. Anyway, those were my current results. BTW, here is a link to an internet computer stopwatch – – It comes in handy and is the one I use.
Like I said, the BreathSlim does its job when it comes to training the slow exhale. And it did indeed take me several breaths to get used to this method of exhale. I got a little nervous on those first exhales. Exhaling through the water with out over bubbling definitely slowed me down. I blew water out the cup a couple times before I established a sense of confidence that I was going to be alright (grin) with the machine and the slow exhale.
I went 20 minutes the first time. It is a bit tedious, but with more experience I believe that that will smooth out. I am hoping to meditate while doing this, but not sure that will happen – this appears that it is going to be a physical exercise.
Day 2: Missed this day. I did my regular meditative deep comfortable focused/unfocused breathing, but could not get it together enough to do the 20 minutes with the BreathSlim. Now, a lot of that may have to do with me being in the beginning stages of the flu and cold.  I wasn’t quite sure what to do because my lungs were starting to fill up with congestion.
Something I learned from yesterday’s breathing was that I noticed that I was more cognizant of my normal breathing; and when I breathed I actually thought about breathing more deeply and exhaling more slowly. In some of my breaths I actually did just that.
Day 3: I decided to continue with the BreathSlim regardless of some silly old flu/cold. Did my 20 minutes. I am so used to breathing in a prone or laying down position due to my several years of meditation breathing. That is why this method, which recommends sitting up in an upright position with your back straight, is very good for me. It is not only training my breathing, but my posture as well.
Day 4: Yes. . . I am doing my 20 minutes again. It seems that I have to make the special effort to hold my breath for the five seconds recommended by BreathSlim after the deep inhale. It just doesn’t seem right, but I am starting to get used to it. Apparently the idea of holding the breath is to allow the deep inhale of air to the lungs to utilize more of the oxygen that goes into the lungs. Same with the slow exhale – allows more time for the lungs to absorb the oxygen.
And one more thing – this time I “breathed into” the flu/cold, so to speak, much like the times I have breathed successfully into gout attacks. Not sure if it proves anything, but I did start feeling better.
Day 5: What is the serendipity of me doing this? First of all, I am doing it to help in the continual  reclamation of my health. Besides the diagnosis of bone cancer almost 5 years ago, I was also hit with congestive heart failure 21 months ago. So for me the stakes are high. I want more oxygen. Now the serendipity of it is actually the purported and reported possible weight loss. So with that in mind I weighed myself today on my daughter’s new digital scale (I don’t own one, so had to go to her house).
I weighed in at 202.6 pounds. I would like to get to where I feel the most comfortable which is 185 pounds. Will this breathing really help in that direction. BTW, I am just ¼ inch shy of 6 feet tall. K
Day 6: Speaking of serendipity, the beneficial elements that I know I am receiving from breathing with the BreathSlim for 20 minutes a day are an improved posture and the little reminder voice I hear during the day to , “Breathe deeply and exhale slower.” The big one being, “Breath deeply” because if I breathe deeply I cannot help but to take more time exhaling. The other thing that I have noticed is that I have more energy. Dr Mark Sircus mentioned that he too was experiencing an increase in energy.
Day 7: I usually do the BreathSlim exercise late at night sometime before I go to bed, which is a lot of times ‘early morning’. Today I was feeling better (Flu) and just for the heck of it I did an extra session.
I figured something out. Since this is not really a meditative exercise and is mostly physical then why not do the BreathSlim breathing while doing something else – like watching a movie I am streaming from online, or a football game, or news, or reading, or walking, or anything.  So. . . I did. And I like it. It sure helps!  Make sure that if you do do it while doing another activity that you are alone. Blowing bubbles might be disturbing to others (grin). . .
Day 8: Enjoying my new BreathSlim freedom. I feel good being able to do the breathing while watching my latest movie. Of course, it helps to have a head set or ear phones so you can hear what is going on. Sometimes I just turn on the subtitles.
Day 9: By the way, I have not changed my diet. I have been enjoying a plant based for close to 8 months now. It is not unlike the diet promoted on the inspirational movie Forks Over Knives.
I weighed myself today. 201.1 pounds on my daughter’s new digital scale. That means a loss of 1.5 pounds. Don’t know if it means much, but it is something.
Day 10: Still doing 20 minutes a day, generally late at night or early morning. I close the door to the bedroom so as not to disturb Alice. I think about doing it more than 20 minutes a day, but I will stay with the once a day mode for 21 days.
Day 11: Did the breathing. . .
Day 12: I think I already mentioned it, but just to make sure I want it known that besides the BreathSlim exercise/experiment I am also doing what I have been doing for 4 years – namely doing some sort of deep comfortable focused/unfocused meditative breathing, not unlike PTR Breathing that I started shortly after the baking soda protocol. I really enjoy it. It relaxes me; brings more oxygen into my system, and most important it empowers me. I am doing it. . .
Day 13: Yes. . . day thirteen and I am still doing 20 minutes. I experimented with slouching a bit while doing the breathing.  Also, I will lean to the right or the left on a pillow or chair arm, but my thoughts are that for the first 21 days that I want to stay as ‘clean’ as possible for this experiment. I keep talking ’21 Days’. There is a reason for that; my ears have heard or eyes have read for many years that it takes 21 days of doing something for a habit to be changed or a new habit to become part of one’s life. I shall see, but early ‘returns’ are suggesting it is becoming a habit. Or. . . at the very least I think about it more as I go about my daily life. Of course when I think about it, I do it.
Day 14: Did it again. . . breathed 20 minutes with the machine.
Day 15: 20 more minutes today.
Day 16: Weighed myself today on my daughter’s new digital scale. I was taken back with the read out. I even called my daughter to see if I have been using the scale correctly, or whether she was having trouble with it. “No”, she said. “It is a new digital scale and works perfect”. My weight came in at 197.5 pounds. I weighed myself 4 times and it came up the same each time. 197.5 means that I have lost 5.1 pounds since Day 5. That could be significant. . .
BTW, I got mine from Amazon Breathslim BS-2008 Weight Loss Device or Dr Sircus has a blog going on breathing and he talks about the BreathSlim as well as offering a 10% discount. Here is that info:

Day 17: It is tough to do – a full 20 minute shift, especially when striving for a full 20 minutes of deep breaths. I inhale between 5 and 10 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, and then slowly release for about 30 seconds. After about 12 minutes of this workout that is when it starts getting tougher to keep that rhythm. As I get deeper into the minutes my tendency is to inhale a little less and hold less. After a couple minutes of this ‘relaxed’ mode, then I can do the deeper hold longer repetitions again.
Saliva is generated during this process, so there is a bit of swallowing going on – which is no big deal. It is just a matter of releasing the lip hold on the mouthpiece for a moment and do what has to be done.
If one is new to breathing then it is wise to stay within ones’ comfort zone. Some would probably start at a 3 second inhale, hold a bit, and then slowly exhale for 10 seconds.
The muscle that gets tired for me is the diaphragm. It is not the inhale – I am good at extending my stomach. It is the exhale where my strength needs to be built. That will come in time, and I look forward to it. I suspect that all this diaphragm work helps shape the abs area (grin).
One of the benefits claimed by many ‘breathers’ is that the internal organs get to be massaged. I in particular like the idea of my heart being massaged. Of course, my lungs are getting a good workout too.
Day 18: What a difference a day makes. I was breathing away on the Breathslim while watching some news of interest that I was streaming from the net when I noticed that I had been breathing for 30 minutes. Why is that? Is day 18 some sort of plateau breaking day; or is the fact that the cold/flu that I had been managing was on its last leg the answer. I don’t know, but regardless, I was pleased.
Someone turned me onto a similarity with the Frolov or Buteyko breathing method device and the BreathSlim. Here is a video of how to use the Frolov:  The technique is a gentler than the breathing technique for the BreathSlim. BreathSlim likes to have the breath held for 5 seconds after the inhale, whereas Frolov doesn’t hold the breath.
My plan is to do the Frolov Buteyko method for 21 days after I complete the BreathSlim 21 days. I suspect that the breathing will end up being a blend between the two methods. However. . .I cannot complain about the results I am feeling with the BreathSlim. I feel more energetic and surprisingly it seems as though I am not eating as much prior to the breathing. The other thing is that according to the scales, I have lost weight. . .
Day 19: Did the BreathSlim for 27 minutes last night. I have noticed that from day 3 of this exercise that one of the side effects of the breathing was similar to one of the side effects of doing the baking soda protocol. That being (there is not a genteel way of saying this) yellow poop or at the very least – a lighter color. I don’t know what any of this means, but someone did write to me saying, “I’ve noticed a correlation between the breathing and the yellow poop too.”  Is it because of more oxygen in the system? Is it a cleansing taking place? I don’t know. . .
Day 20: Before I get into this day I want to let you know about my double/triple check of my daughter’s scale. I weighed yesterday. The digital window jumped between 93.4 and 99.6. I figured it out – the scale was sitting on a flat surface all right, but the flat surface was covered with an indoor outdoor carpet. When I moved the scale to a ‘solid’ flat surface I got a steady reading. So. . . yesterday’s reading was 199.5, which means  since day five when I started weighing myself, I lost 3.1 pounds – not the 5.1 I was jumping up and down about. Still. . . 3.1 is very good.
Because of the scale issue I have ordered a scale. The best one I found for the price and the reviews was this one EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale w/ Extra Large Backlit 3.5″ Display and “Step-On” Technology
, and I ordered it.  It should be here Monday the 19th. I will then do another 21 days.
In the meantime, I did 20 BreathSlim minutes and of course about 20 minutes of meditative breathing for this day.  See you tomorrow. . .
Day 21: This is suppose to be my last day, but since I missed Day 2 one more day will be added. Breathed the BreathSlim way for 24 minutes while watching some foreign move with subtitles. At weigh-in time my weight was 198.2 pounds. That is with the scale on a nice hard flat surface (haha). So. . . that means that my weight (Day 21) 198.2 subtracted from Day 5’s weight of 202.6 equals loss of 4.4 pounds. Tomorrow I will do my thoughts on these 21 (22) days.
Day 22: How does this breathing through a tube work and what does it have to do with health and weight loss? I am not a scientist; I am a person writing down his experiences with using the BreathSlim for 3 weeks at 20 plus minutes a day. In the beginning and a few times during the 21 days I was glad the 20 minutes came to an end. However, there were more times that I happily went over the 20 minutes.
I don’t know the science of this type of breathing. I do know that I felt more energy and that I felt like doing more – that includes going for walks even in the rain. Was it the oxygen? I don’t know.
I think that it actually curbed my appetite somewhat which may explain in part why I lost around 4 pounds. My mind seemed to become sharper.
I like that several times during the day I would find myself reminding myself to remember to breathe deeply, hold a little, and then release slowly. It was becoming a habit.
I am going to do another 21 days. There are things I want to work on. My body took a big hit 4 ½  to 5 years ago with that cancer thing – namely my prostate, my bones (pelvic), and threats to my lungs, kidneys, and liver. My heart was not so good then as well, and it really almost tanked on me in February 2011 (congestive heart failure).  I am quite active (walking, some running, jump rope, and stretch bands), but there was damage done to those areas. Obviously, I have made great strides in reclaiming my health. I especially like that my eyesight improved after decades of having to wear glasses to drive. I give a lot of credit for that improvement to deep comfortable focused/unfocused breathing.  I want more and I expect more.
BTW, my last weigh-in was 198.7 pounds.  .  . Vj
Day Post 22: I forgot to do the after part of the before-and-after concerning the Strange/Henches breathing test. These were the before results followed by the after results:
Stange Before – 49 seconds; Strange After – 66 seconds
Hench Before – 37 seconds; Hench After – 41 seconds
There certainly was improvement in my ability to hold my breath on the inhale, and a little improvement after the exhale. Not sure what all that means except that my capacity is improving.
I do want to mention that the last couple of days I have noticeably been aware of frequently breathing in deeper breaths during the day. Just out of the blue I will take a nice big breath followed by a slow exhale. It feels good. . .  And feeling good means that my body is relaxing, and when my body relaxes that means that the cells in my body are getting “permission”, so to speak, from me for them to do what is natural for them – namely give me a healthy body. A person could say, “I am getting out of the way (leaving tension behind) so that my body and its organs can become what they are meant to be.”
Been doing the BreathSlim  breathing for 20 minutes every day since I finished that first 21 days. I am glad I am doing it. At times my mind tells me, “Aw, forget it. Don’t do it today. There is always tomorrow.” However, my body says, “This is good for you Vernon. Oxygen is a precious key for you.” – and it is! I have found that I am more energized, I feel more like walking (which I do), I meditate more, and I find myself less hungry than I was before starting this particular breathing thing.
And BTW. . . I weighed 196.0 on my digital scale this morning. Considering I started at 202.6 pounds, I like this serendipity. . .